Our 5 year anniversary!

We opened our doors on March 4th, 2017…exactly 5 years ago! Initially I’m inclined to say, “how has it been 5 years?!” …but in this moment of introspection, it feels accurate. The shop has evolved so much over this time, from our initial display of thrifted/gifted/hand built fixtures, to everything being custom made by local crafters Bliss Woodworks and JC Shelf Co. We’ve broadened our suppliers, expanded on our own shop-made merchandise, developed countless relationships with local makers and organizations…we’ve done…a lot. Also over the last 5 years, countless relationships have been cultivated and embedded into the story that is B.Willow. I have had so many amazing, talented, wonderful, thoughtful, smart, hilarious, goofy, and beyond sweet employees over the years- every one of them leaves an impression on my business, something I will never take for granted. Something that feels extremely special and meaningful. When I look at our counter, I think of my very first intern/first employee/longtime friend Lindsay. Not only did she build and tile the counter, she also built our workshop table, and was responsible for all of our early on photography (amongst so many other things…!). If she didn’t know how to do something, she taught herself how. It was incredible to watch. My second employee ever, Sarah, helped us establish the floral side of B.Willow (also amongst so many other things), then went on to launch her own floral design company, Pomona Floral (this girl is one of the most talented people I know). I’m so grateful to Sarah for rejoining the B.Willow crew during Covid- it’s been amazing to work together again. Running a small business is not a linear process. To have someone working with you who has been there for its entire duration is incredibly lucky, something I appreciate more than words. I could write pages about all of my previous and current employees- they have been so patient with me over the years, so understanding of the challenges we’ve faced, so creative, so empathetic and so hard working. They’re the reason this shop has made it to this milestone. 

So what’s next for B.Willow? What might the next 5 years bring? Before I answer that, I’ve got some ground to cover. For the last 8 years (I started B.Willow in 2014) I have been highly focused, almost obsessed with the go go go nature of growing my business. Everything felt so important, such a high level of priority. Little else received my focus or energy. My health deteriorated, I didn’t prioritize relationships with friends/partners/family members. I abandoned all of my other passions and hobbies. My business was/is my baby. It’s really all I cared about. Something that needed me to be there to hold its hand and figure it all out. I went into this with no real understanding of what I was doing. No money to fall back on, no investors, just a loan from M&T to get this shop off the ground. I had to figure it out on my own. This is why my employees mean the world to me- this hasn’t been an easy process- I haven’t always been my best self.

5 years later, I am at a point of stillness. It feels like energy has been constantly pouring out of me (and if you know me, you know I have a LOT of energy), and I quite literally need my brain to turn off and be still for a while. I talk a lot. My employees have graciously let me “think out loud” constantly over the years. I’m officially embarking on a new path of being a listener. B.Willow no longer needs me to hold its hand, just to help steer the ship when the waters get rough.  The shop is in such a great place right now- Covid brought its challenges to our operations and devastation to my personal life- but it gave me the chance to dramatically pare back what we do. This has been the saving grace of my business. I said yes to everything over the years because I felt like I had to. I had to take every opportunity because I didn’t have the confidence that what I was doing was enough. I felt like I always had to do more. I wouldn’t change a thing though. I’m so proud of how far we’ve come, and how quickly we made our Covid pivots. Our operations are very sound. We have a rhythm to our work that flows at a predictable pace. We’ve reached cruising altitude so to speak, and I’m quietly tip toeing away to refocus on other areas of my life that make me happy. I’m not actually going anywhere, in fact I hope to be more present in the physical shop… I’m just ready to refocus mentally. My heart is in environmental work, and I hope to continue to use B.Willow as a mechanism for positive environmental change, specifically the conservation of plants in the wild. In 5 years I hope to have established more partnerships with conservation groups (like our current partners at IUCN CSSG), I hope to make everyone aware of the illegal plant trade, and I hope to be able to fund environmental restoration projects around the world. I know B.Willow as a business will continue to grow, and I’m so excited to continue to “ride the wave.” Thank you so much for all of your support over the years. I appreciate our customers, collaborators, neighbors, friends, and wider community beyond words <3 

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