Carnivorous Plant Care
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Venus fly trap (Dionaea muscipula)
Venus fly traps have evolved to eat insects because of the wet, sandy, and peaty soil they grow in is extremely poor in nutrients. They need to stay constantly moist and love high humidity. It's extremely important to always water with rainwater or distilled water, as tap water is usually too alkaline. Being indoors, you may need to help your plants out by feeding them flies or other small insects. Their traps have small hairs inside, when two hairs have been 'triggered' within 20 seconds of each other, the trap snaps shut. If two hairs haven't been triggered, the trap stays open to conserve energy. Avoid poking the leaves, as this wastes energy and they die back once they've closed a couple times. Venus fly traps need a winter dormancy period - their leaves will start to die back, and they should be kept between 35-50 degrees until spring. When spring arrives, increase temperature and light.
LIGHT - at least 4 hours of direct, full sunlight
TEMP - warm
FERT - NEVER - if necessary, introduce a couple bugs per month
WATER - constantly moist, use distilled or rain water
SOIL - perlite, sphagnum, and peat
Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes sp.)
LIGHT - at least 4 hours of direct, full sunlight
TEMP - warm
FERT - NEVER - if necessary, introduce a couple bugs per month
WATER - constantly moist, use distilled or rain water
SOIL - peat, sand, sphagnum moss