Biocontrol Info and Use
Biocontrol is a method of control unwanted pests (spider mites, thrips, mealybugs, scale) using natural predatory mites and insects.
Fungus Gnat Control
Hypoaspus miles is a predatory mite that lives in soil. They eat fungus gnat larvae and thrips pupae. These predatory mites are one of the best methods to control fungus gnat infestations as they catch the fungus gnats early. They can live in soil for up to 70 days, even if there are no fungus gnats around. The soil does not need to maintain a certain humidity or moisture, so it works well in desert and tropical plants and can be easily stored.
How to use in your home? Simply sprinkle a teaspoon of the soil mites in substrate onto the surface of your soil. For larger plants (10”+ diameter pots), sprinkle 2-3 tsp. For infestations, sprinkle an extra 2-3 tsp. If you do not use all of the soil mites in the first go, add more organic soil to the container. They will live in that soil for up to 70 days.
Spider mite prevention
Amblyseius andersoni, is a predatory mite that lives on leaves and eats spider mites as well as other prey and pollen. They are used preventatively to control spider mites before they get out of hand. New mites with continuously emerge from the sachet for 4-6 weeks. As long as leaf canopies are touching, they can be spread out between plants.
How to use in your home? Hang the sachet on the stems of your plants. Make sure the small hole on the back of the sachet is touching a leaf or stem. The mites will come out of this hole and distribute amongst the plant. If the leaves of plants are touching, you can place a sachet one every 1-3 plants. For larger plants (10”+ diameter pots), use one sachet per plant. Keep them out of direct sun and keep dry. Leave on plant for 6 weeks.
Thrip Prevention
Amblyseius cucmeris, is a predatory mite that eats several types of thrips at early stages. They work very quickly once they get out of the sachet. They can also eat types of spider mites. The mites will emerge from the sachets for 4-6 weeks. As long as leaf canopies are touching, they can be spread out between plants.
How to use in your home? Hang the sachet on the stems of your plants. Make sure the small hole on the back of the sachet is touching a leaf or stem. The mites will come out of this hole and distribute amongst the plant. If the leaves of plants are touching, you can place a sachet one every 1-3 plants. For larger plants (10”+ diameter pots), use one sachet per plant. Keep them out of direct sun and keep dry. Leave on plant for 6 weeks.
Thank you Bioline for providing us with these info sheets and knowledge.